Good News for Bad People

a place where prodigals, misfits and screw-ups can find the antidote to shame and isolation.  You have found a place where all strugglers are welcomed.

Good News for Bad People

a place where prodigals, misfits and screw-ups can find the antidote to shame and isolation.  You have found a place where all strugglers are welcomed.

Good News for Bad People

a place where prodigals, misfits and screw-ups can find the antidote to shame and isolation.  You have found a place where all strugglers are welcomed.

Does Shame rule your life?

Has what you’ve DONE and who you ARE become the same thing?

You are not alone. You only think you are alone.

We’re stepping toward you and we’re not looking away.

Failures leave scars. If you are willing to follow the blueprint of those scars back to your story you will find a pathway to liberation.

Wherever you are right now— isolated, alone, trapped in shame - you will not always be at this place. The sun IS rising. There IS a way forward. The future you thought was gone IS dawning.

misfit preachers

                                      is the result of three men who imploded and lived to tell about God’s grace.

We failed and fell. We fell into despair, darkness, isolation and suicidal ideation. At the bottom we found out that we had fallen into something amazing.

We didn’t fall from grace; we fell into grace! Imagine knowing that you are no longer defined by your failures?

There is real freedom here. Now we have a real passion to find other hopeless misfits. We’ll go first as we tell the real, raw, and honest stories of our own hopelessness and HOPE.

misfit preachers

                                is the result of three men who imploded and lived to tell about God’s grace.

We failed and fell. We fell into despair, darkness, isolation and suicidal ideation. At the bottom we found out that we had fallen into something amazing.

We didn’t fall from grace; we fell into grace! Imagine knowing that you are no longer defined by your failures?

There is real freedom here. Now we have a real passion to find other hopeless misfits. We’ll go first as we tell the real, raw, and honest stories of our own hopelessness and HOPE.

misfit preachers

                                is the result of three men who imploded and lived to tell about God’s grace.

We failed and fell. We fell into despair, darkness, isolation and suicidal ideation. At the bottom we found out that we had fallen into something amazing.

We didn’t fall from grace; we fell into grace! Imagine knowing that you are no longer defined by your failures?

There is real freedom here. Now we have a real passion to find other hopeless misfits. We’ll go first as we tell the real, raw, and honest stories of our own hopelessness and HOPE.

We are the Punchline of

God’s Grace.

We are living proof that God’s grace extends into the places where people feel the most lost, the most hopeless and the most rejected.

If you think you are beyond redemption, unworthy of compassion, or beyond mercy we invite you to explore the infinite reach of the grace and mercy of God.

We are the Punchline of God's Grace.

We are living proof that God’s grace extends into the places where people feel the most lost, the most hopeless and the most rejected.

If you think you are beyond redemption, unworthy of compassion, or beyond mercy we invite you to explore the infinite reach of the grace and mercy of God.

“In one moment I walked up the edge. By God’s grace I stepped back from it."

I, like so many people, reached a point where I could not find a reason to live another day. There was no hope ahead of me and only regrets behind me. It was only when the grace of God kneeled down beside me and said, “Let’s go home” that I knew there was a life of abundance out in the future.

Byron Yawn

Host Misfit Preachers

“Laying in that jail cell all I wanted to do was die…"

I just kept thinking, “When I get out all I want to do is get my gun and end the shame.” I didn’t want to call anyone. I didn’t want to see anyone and I just wanted to BE DONE. Now you should know that God speaks to me in the tone, pitch and sarcasm of Theo Von. He said (paraphrasing) “Well… well… well.. [insert slow clap] Isn’t this a great idea… you are gonna take your life to pay for your mistakes? Right? Is that the plan? Like, because of your failure, shame and guilt you think you deserve to die?” I nodded. God continued, “Right idea, wrong sacrifice. Do you remember the story of Jesus? Do you remember the point? He died IN YOUR PLACE”. And it was there, lying on that metal bed in the Williamson County Jail, that I started to remember who Jesus was - again.

Jean F. Larroux, III

Misfit Preacher Talking Head #1

“These days I live with a seemingly incurable low-grade fever of sadness because of the people I hurt and some of the relationships I lost."

It’s the grievous wound of ‘what used to be’ that will never heal. I live with lopped off limbs. I still feel like I’m white knuckling it some days— prone to wander, taking destructive detours in my heart. Yes, I’m fully aware of my capacity to screw it all up again, repeating my adulterous history. Lord have mercy. But some place or picture of arrival is not what I’m grasping after. If I’m reaching at all, it is to receive what’s been so graciously given—Stacie’s love, a family of screwed-up misfit friends, the voices of my children and grandchildren, sunsets and ocean breezes, midnight music festivals with my daughter under the Miami night sky. Poet Maya Popa captures this sentiment perfectly in the title of her book Wound is the Origin of Wonder. That it is. And I’m grateful for the wonder that now marks my wounded, rattletrap life. Frederick Buechner famously wrote, “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.”That’s the abundant life, my friends. Experiencing the abundance, all of it, the beautiful and the terrible and everything else in between, every damn stitch, right in the cardia.

Tullian Tchividjian

Misfit Preacher Talking Head #2

“In one moment I walked up the edge. By God’s grace I stepped back from it."

I, like so many people, reached a point where I could not find a reason to live another day. There was no hope ahead of me and only regrets behind me. It was only when the grace of God kneeled down beside me and said, “Let’s go home” that I knew there was a life of abundance out in the future.

Byron Yawn

Host Misfit Preachers

“Laying in that jail cell all I wanted to do was die…"

I just kept thinking, “When I get out all I want to do is get my gun and end the shame.” I didn’t want to call anyone. I didn’t want to see anyone and I just wanted to BE DONE. Now you should know that God speaks to me in the tone, pitch and sarcasm of Theo Von. He said (paraphrasing) “Well… well… well.. [insert slow clap] Isn’t this a great idea… you are gonna take your life to pay for your mistakes? Right? Is that the plan? Like, because of your failure, shame and guilt you think you deserve to die?” I nodded. God continued, “Right idea, wrong sacrifice. Do you remember the story of Jesus? Do you remember the point? He died IN YOUR PLACE”. And it was there, lying on that metal bed in the Williamson County Jail, that I started to remember who Jesus was - again.

Jean F. Larroux, III

Misfit Preacher Talking Head #1

“These days I live with a seemingly incurable low-grade fever of sadness because of the people I hurt and some of the relationships I lost."

It’s the grievous wound of ‘what used to be’ that will never heal. I live with lopped off limbs. I still feel like I’m white knuckling it some days— prone to wander, taking destructive detours in my heart. Yes, I’m fully aware of my capacity to screw it all up again, repeating my adulterous history. Lord have mercy. But some place or picture of arrival is not what I’m grasping after. If I’m reaching at all, it is to receive what’s been so graciously given—Stacie’s love, a family of screwed-up misfit friends, the voices of my children and grandchildren, sunsets and ocean breezes, midnight music festivals with my daughter under the Miami night sky. Poet Maya Popa captures this sentiment perfectly in the title of her book Wound is the Origin of Wonder. That it is. And I’m grateful for the wonder that now marks my wounded, rattletrap life. Frederick Buechner famously wrote, “Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid.”That’s the abundant life, my friends. Experiencing the abundance, all of it, the beautiful and the terrible and everything else in between, every damn stitch, right in the cardia.

Tullian Tchividjian

Misfit Preacher Talking Head #2

You Are Never Alone. Ever.

You have found your people.

We are your people.

Our people are now your people too.

There is a ragtag tribe of failures, misfits and screw-ups who understand exactly where you are. In your isolation. In your shame. We know the path out.  

Hug the Cactus!

The first step is the scariest. You need to “hug the cactus.” What does that mean? It’s just like it sounds. If someone hugs the cactus then they are embracing all the prickly parts of themselves. It means owning your failure. Total ownership with no bread crumb trails to anyone else.

You have to become your own accuser.

It’s only when we stop pretending, own what we’ve done, and finally breathe the pure air of honesty that we create the space for grace, forgiveness and love. Everyone else has been saying how messed up you are so why not invite them over and start the conversation with, “I know you’ve been talking about how screwed up I am… you have no idea…”

You are not what you have done.

You are loved.

Full stop.

You Are Never Alone. Ever.

You have found your people.

We are your people.

Our people are now your people too.

There is a ragtag tribe of failures, misfits and screw-ups who understand exactly where you are. In your isolation. In your shame. We know the path out.  

Hug the Cactus!

The first step is the scariest. You need to “hug the cactus.” What does that mean? It’s just like it sounds. If someone hugs the cactus then they are embracing all the prickly parts of themselves. It means owning your failure. Total ownership with no bread crumb trails to anyone else.

You have to become your own accuser.

It’s only when we stop pretending, own what we’ve done, and finally breathe the pure air of honesty that we create the space for grace, forgiveness and love. Everyone else has been saying how messed up you are so why not invite them over and start the conversation with, “I know you’ve been talking about how screwed up I am… you have no idea…”

You are not what you have done.

You are loved.

Full stop.

Abandon Self-Pity

Self-pity is like a well intended friend who sits beside you and convinces you it’s not your fault. Self-pity rubs the edges off of reality so it goes down easier. We drink self-pity like a hot toddy, slowly and methodically numbing ourselves while we mentally rehearse the story with everyone else but us playing the villain. The opposite of self-pity is grace.

Grace looks directly at what you’ve done and amazingly offers love instead of rejection.

misfit preachers



3 preachers, 3 microphones.

NO caveats,NO disclaimers and NO filter.

Telling other deadbeats, prodigals

and screw-ups that God loves and uses failures; because “people who fail” are the only kind of people there are.

We’re like Barstool Sports for the church, with no barstool, no sports AND no church.

Tell Us Your Story

You think you can shock us? You think we will walk away from you? There is not a chance. You can tell us and we will not step away. We will step toward you.


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